Symantec Endpoint Security issues

Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m not a fan of Anti-Virus companies, especially when they use FUD to sell their products. What’s even worse is when a security application, which is supposed to protect you from security issues, has security issues itself.

Symantec’s workstation anti-virus application, SEP, is apparently riddled with them according to Secunia. Included in the list are cross-site scripting and request forgery issues. Time to look at something else?


2 responses to “Symantec Endpoint Security issues”

  1. Hello,

    You will be happy to hear that Symantec engineers fixed the issues in Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.7000 RU7.

    Thomas (Symantec)

  2. The vulnerability is addressed in RU7. As with any software, you should always be running the latest version.